Rounding Off to the Nearest 10
Follow the same protocol for rounding a number to the nearest hundreds digit. Rounding to a million implies the method of rounding up or down to the nearest 1000000 value. Rounding To The Nearest 10 And 100 Sheet 1 Rounding Worksheets 3rd Grade Math Rounding Numbers When rounding numbers you must first understand the term rounding digit When working with whole numbers and rounding to the closest 10 the rounding digit is the second number from the rightor the 10s placeWhen rounding to the nearest hundred the third place from the right is the rounding digitor the. . Or if the Double value returned by Round is automatically converted to an integer with Option Strict set to Off. Y2 - Round off to the nearest hundred Rounding off numbers ID. This number lies between 70 and 80. If that digit is less than 5 do not change the rounding digit but change all digits to the right of the rounding digit. If the third digit is greater tha...